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Asian American Studies


The Department of Asian Studies at UC Santa Barbara (UCSB) was one of the first in the country, according to the Asian American Studies website. Students in the major learn to evaluate the existing literature and data on Asian Americans as well as conduct research on these communities. More information can be found here.


Students in the Asian American Studies Major are also able to get involved with research in various ways. Students can assist professors in research in the class AS AM 199RA, do an independent study in AS AM 199, or develop their own service or social justice project in AS AM 197. More information can be found here.


The East Asian Language and Cultural Studies Department is another option that is focused on the study of the East Asian countries of China, Japan, and Korea. Students in the department can obtain degrees in Asian Studies, as well as majors and minors in Japanese and Chinese. More information can be found here.


All information from department websites

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