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Asian American Organizations at UCSB

The Vietnamese Student Association preserves Vietnamese American culture on campus

Kapatirang Pilipino creates venues for Filipinx cultural awareness and empowerment in students

Indus aims to increase South Asian cultural awareness for demographics like Indian students

The Southeast Asian Union unites the Southeast Asian student community through its programs

Nikkei Student Union creates a dialogue about Japanese cultures and student backgrounds

The Taiwanese American Student Association shares Taiwanese American culture among students

Iaorana Te Otea, UCSB's Polynesian dance team, teaches students about Polynesian culture 

The Taiwanese Student association enhances students' understanding of Taiwanese culture

The Asian Pacific Islander Alliance supports Asian American staff and faculty at UCSB

The Asian American Christian Fellowship is a community for Asian Americans interested in Christianity

The Chinese Student Association unites Chinese students and promotes Chinese culture

The Korean American Student Association brings Korean American culture to students

Hong Kong Student Association promotes the cultures of Hong Kong for students

Ravaani is UCSB's South Asian A Capella Team, embracing both English and Indian in their songs 

Seoul'd Out is UCSB's K-Pop dance team, consisting of students who enjoy the music genre

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